Monday, January 18, 2010

24 and the Media Fast

The 2nd night of 24 has just ended. This show has a 4 hour, 2 night premier to kick off the season. It's a good format. The first hour sets the plot. The 2nd hour gives Jack a real reason to be involved (since he has retired from CTU--Counter Terrorist Unit). The 3rd and 4th hours kick it into high gear. So the 4th hour is finished and I'm on an adrenaline rush. There is no way to go to sleep. I'm on my 2nd screwdriver, and I desperately want to play Free Cell. But I have 2 weeks to go on my Media Fast.

The Fast has been good for me. I'm not saying I love it. But I am saying it's good. It has forced me to be more intentional in what I am doing instead of letting half of me watch TV while I read, or play games while I watch TV. My reading has become more focused. My work has become more efficient. And I am displaying true will power when I am not playing Free Cell. It is such a habit with me, that I will start playing while I'm waiting for my computer to connect. I begin my online time with a game and I end my online time with a game. I was smart enough to remove the short cut from my desktop so I couldn't start to play unconsciously. Every time I want to click on it I stop and remember that for 3 weeks I am not allowing myself to play. And I comply with my own rules. Will Power is sooo not my friend! If I learn to do it here, maybe it will transfer to something else I set my mind to.

But tonight, I could truly use the game to slow this rush. I love 24. Some nights are more exciting than others, and tonight was one. I guess I will go read until sleep takes over, but I will stick to this fast for 2 more weeks. It's the one battle I am winning.


  1. I want to pick up on one thing you said -- about the difficulty of "coming down" after watching 24 and not having your usual tech things like playing free cell to help in that process.

    I think what we have lost with all the media in our lives is the ability to calm OURSELVES -- without the use of these outer things. Speaking for myself -- when I don't have them, I'm at a loss. I suspect the reason is that I have not nurtured my own inner resources to deal with stress or excitement - or fear - and don't know quite what to do - or don't trust that I can. Instead, I use games and such to numb my brain instead.

    If nothing else, this may be one thing your media fast will teach you - how to use your own inner resources to cope. Once it's over, it will be interesting to hear the "verdict" on how the media fast might possibly affect you long term.

    I am seeing - through you - the wisdom of a media fast. However - to be honest, I have my doubts that I'll go for it. I should - but probably won't. Addictions are tough things to break! It will be interesting to see how - or whether - you are in some way changed once you allow yourself to resume your media things.

  2. I so agree with you. I'm curious too, as to how I will change. I hope I change some, but is 3 weeks long enough to break a habit that's technically not bad, and so easy to resume?
