Thursday, September 8, 2011

Fall's Bluff

It almost happened.  I was having such a good time enjoying summer, I nearly missed it. But my eagle eyes and keen senses suddenly tuned in to the fact that Fall just might be trying to sneak into my life.
When I left Iowa I actually looked for signs, but with the exception of 2 little fields in Ohio everywhere I turned the fields were green and full. There was no hint that before long they would turn to the dusty tan necessary before harvest can begin. Actually a soybean field in the height of change is one of the prettiest you’ll find. Those bright golden leaves fluttering in the breeze reminds me of a giant pot of gold coins at the end of the rainbow.
The weather at the Corvettes of Carlisle show started out as usual; hot and sunny. It is often the hottest car show for me with no air conditioning and little shade unless you have a tent to sit under. However, Irene blew up the East Coast and put a damper on the show, not only literally, but sending people skittering back to their homes to do whatever they thought they could do to protect the house. (I’m sorry, but if a wind is going to blow your house down, you stand little chance of stopping it! Better to stay where you have safe, dry shelter folks!)
Weather after a hurricane is usually gorgeous! The heavy heat and low clouds clear out. Even for those of us who weren't really under her shadow, the days following Irene were full of sunshine, light clouds, bright, clear blue sky and cooler temperatures. The little white clouds were miles away. It was so gorgeous in fact that I almost missed it; the telltale signs August was coming to a close.
I caught a flash of red in the dry grass on the hillsides. The sumac growing wild by the side of the road is often the first sign that the seasons are beginning to change. Its leaves turn a bright crimson while the goldenrod is just thinking of blooming.

The air had a fresh scent to it, but it was different from the lush scent of summer. I noticed for the first time the dried heads on the tops of field grasses.

As Maggie and I did our 1 mile walk through the neighborhood a flash of red caught my eye among the Maples lining the street. In the midst of all the green leaves were 3 bright red ones.

A couple of days later it was hot again. Saturday was SO hot it reminded me of mid-summer in Florida. It may seem as though Fall was calling Summer's bluff, but I think it will win out before too long. It's a good thing I love Fall. It is the only reason I'm willing to let go of Summer.


  1. Enjoy the last of your summer. Here in AK, everything is aglow with orange and yellow. I do love autumn, but not that it comes so fast, and passes so quickly.

    As for the heat.. I'm thankful we don't have oppressive heat - although we're seeing highs in the 60s, which is nice for September.

  2. My husband says to tell you he'll be up there in another 4 weeks (to Anchorage) He'll take the fall weather he had last year, but he doesn't want the 5 days of snow he had in October the year before!
