Tuesday, September 27, 2011

#9 Open Windows!

I talk a lot about liking summer, even the heat, but if I'm perfectly honest, I love any day that allows me to open the windows. Unfortunately, I'm a bit like Baby Bear. If it is too hot, I want air conditioning. If it is too cold I want heat. But when it is just right....I love having the windows open!

I like hearing the outside sounds, whether it is cars on the highway or the birds singing. It is the sound of life going on around me and it is all good.

I like the smell of the air, although 'smoky' from someone burning leaves can get annoying when it gets in the house, so maybe I'm not that crazy about it inside...but outside...it can be ok.

I love open windows at night even if it means an extra blanket, but I don't like breezes blowing on me. I'm not sure why, but I really don't, especially on my neck. I will wrap myself up in a hoodie, or pull the covers around my head.

Today is an 'open window' day and I'm loving it. (No breezes) I heard the school bus drop the kids off, their chatter as they filled parents in on what happened. I heard someone mowing his lawn, reminding me I should be doing that instead of this.

Maggie likes it too. She sits at the window to see what's going on. So today, this is my next favorite thing about fall!

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