Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I taught school for 18 years. I was a pre-school teacher for 3 years before that. I've raised 2 children. I have two 3 (almost 4) year old grandsons--and 1 infant grand-daughter. Yet there is always a chance to forget things I once knew, or to re-learn old lessons. Today was one of those days.

It started out very well. I got up early and was ready when Nicholas woke up. He ate a good breakfast and my normally dawdling little boy was ready to go in time for storytime at the library. On the way home I stopped at Publix to fulfill a craving I've had since I got here. I bought a Publix Pressed Cuban for lunch. Nicholas asked if he could have a cookie so we headed to the Bakery department for a free cookie.

"Which one do you want?" I asked. "Chocolate chip, Sugar, or the one with Sprinkles?"
"I want the M&M cookie because that's my favorite race car!" Nicholas answered pointing to the BIG cookie in the display case...the one for $1.49, not the smaller free cookies. (Nicholas loves NASCAR and his bed looks like Kyle Busch's 18 M&M car.) Of course being the grandmother I indulged him and bought the big cookie.

After we ate our lunch we split the big cookie and then Nicholas went to his room for his afternoon 'Quiet time'. He rarely naps, but he always has a 2 hour quiet time in his room. Or maybe I should say his parents and grandmas always get a 2 hour quiet time when he's in his room! I knew there would be no nap after that cookie but he was good and played quietly with his books and cars.

Then it turned 5:00. I think Publix should add a warning label to their cookies. WARNING: This cookie contains 8-Hour Time Release Sugar Granules. As soon as Jen and Dave walked through the door The Energizer Bunny took off. The Dawdler moved into Warp Speed.

"Mommy! Did you See THIS? GRANBERRY! WATCH!"
"Nicholas...shh, we're right here."
"ok." (pause) MOMMY! DID YOU SEE THIS??? GRANBERRY !!!! WATCH!!!"
"Nicholas.... SHHHHH: we see you."
"Time to wash up for dinner. Go Potty first.'
Boing, boing, boing....'Granberry...I go weally fast!"
"Yes, you did. Go potty.'
"Take my shorts off?"
"Take my underwear off?"
"Don't throw them?"
WHOOSH.....he kicks them across the bathroom
"OHH! They went high!"
Finally we make it to the dinner table. His little hands wave everywhere. He plows through his nachos and taco. And now it is BED-Time. Sure!
Jen manages to get him into PJ's and settles him for stories. After she tucks him in she brings him a sippy cup of water to keep by his bed.
"OOH! Cold Water! I love cold water Mommy!!"
Yep, he's ready to go to sleep.

You've heard the grandparent jokes about buying the kids the sugary treats and then sending them home? Oops, I forgot to go home.


  1. My brothers and I used to do that to each other's kids - feed them sugar and send them home! LOL

    But that's where all the great stories came from too!

    We also used to buy each other's kids loud toys, or toys with many little pieces that would either be sucked up in the vacuum or stepped on in the middle of the night. Still torturing each other as adults - but through the kids. *grin*

  2. Let's see how many more times you do that!!

  3. I am SO jealous you got a honey butter pressed Cuban!!! I can't even get a cuban out here, let alone one of the "good" ones!

    Oh yeah, and the story about Nicholas is cute too! LOL Mike and I could just picture it! Hope Jen wasn't too annoyed. :) I personally love the "Don't throw them?" "No" Whoosh! part!! So typical of this age.

  4. Oh yes, Jan. I skipped the honey butter, but not the pressed. Soo good and you can't get them north of Georgia I'm sure! :)
    Meanwhile, Nicholas reminded me of Warren with 1/2 of a cupcake at the NICU Reunion party!

  5. I wasn't mad, but a bit worn out by the time I got him in bed. Then I joked with Mom when I said, "Mom, what did you do to my kid?!?" He was fine. Now, if I had to deal with it all day, THAT would be a different story!

    I have a hard time believing he was quietly playing all afternoon until we got home! I guess he was a BIT excited to see us. :)
