Saturday, May 1, 2010

Yard Sale

Today was our neighborhood yard sale. We have a nice sized neighborhood and great neighbors, but only a few participate. I, myself, am not a yard sale person. I don't like going to them and I really don't enjoy preparing for one. Also, I really like things that I own so I tend to keep them forever. By the time I'm ready to get rid of something, it is old, dated, and no one else wants it! However, I am too cheap to throw out my junk, so I usually groan and give in. I set my stuff out, but we don't often sell much.

At some point we will move from this house into a smaller one and when we do I truly hope we have gotten rid of a lot of extraneous stuff. From time to time I go on a clearing out binge and target an area. When I heard our neigborhood sale was this weekend it was pretty easy to gather some of the more interesting stuff and put it out there.

As we set things out early this morning, Maggie positioned herself behind a table. As much as I think I have the ideal dog, I know strangers may not realize what a gem she is, so we tried to get her to go inside. "Maggie, come!" Larry said. Maggie stayed. "Maggie... COME!" he repeated. Maggie stayed. She wouldn't even look at us. With her head on her paws, her straight ahead stare clearly said "As little excitement as I get around here, I am NOT going inside on the first really nice day that promises interesting people. No thanks! I'll stay right here."

Unfortunately for Maggie, we prevailed. She went inside while we finished setting things up. Every time we opened the door to bring something else out, she was standing in the exact spot where we left her. Fortunately for Maggie, we are suckers for the guilt trip.

Maggie came out for the yard sale and was a perfectly behaved dog. She got head rubs, back scratches, ears stroked, and didn't go after small children. We didn't sell much. I still have a lot of my stuff, but Maggie said the day was worth it. And I guess that's all that really matters!

1 comment:

  1. What goal could you possibly have other than to stimulate Miss Maggie!? :)
    I'm glad she had a good time and behaved as usual. And at least she's used to the boys enough to basically ignore the kiddos. :)
    Someone around here keeps asking for you guys...and is anxious for your return so he can practice his vet skills.
