Wednesday, March 7, 2012


2 Hands, 2 Feet, 10 Fingers and Toes! A sweet little mouth and adorable nose. He murmurs. He coos. He's such a sound sleeper. The image of perfection. It's Zachary Wheeler.

We've done it again! We have added grandchild #4 to the family. Zachary is the biggest cuddler I've ever met.

When I first saw Zachary, all I said was "He's a baby Nicholas!" He looks so much like his older brother...except for one thing. I think Nicholas was born with his eyes wide open. (And it is still hard to get him to close them when it is bedtime.) Zachary is a quieter copy of his big brother.

Those first few days it was obvious he thought this world was way too bright, much more so than where he spent the last 9 months! He squinted, he frowned, he scowled, and he kept his eyes closed. As soon as anyone picked him up he fell asleep in their arms.

He can make anyone feel like the most protective person in the world. Nicholas actually sat for over an hour holding Zachary on his first day home. No TV. Nothing going on. Just Nicholas on the couch with his baby brother in his arms. Not moving. Sitting very still. And protective. Nicholas is a devoted big brother. And so far he seems to have little problem sharing Zachary with his mom and dad. (Phew! Always glad to get past the jealousy hurdle!) Of course, every parent knows there will be moments.... but they are off to a good start.

Zachary is changing already. Looking bigger, and not so 'brand new'. He has unfolded and stretches out, nice and relaxed and checking out his world. Zachary has decided if he is going to stay, he might as well look around and take in his surroundings. He is beginning to be awake more often. I can see him start to focus and look at objects, lights, and faces. And he listens to sounds. Some will make him open his eyes, or look towards a sound. He may just raise his eyebrows. But he hears them. He doesn't startle easily.

Each infant comes with its own personality. As a grandparent it is so much fun watching them develop. I've learned (from being a parent) that half of who a child becomes is influenced by their parents. The other half is who they inately are. It is how those 2 parts interact that will ultimately determine who he will become. I've gotten to know my first 2 grandsons, and I love what I see. They are works in progress, as different as night and day, but still have lots of fun together. Samantha is obviously Warren's sister, and at 18 months gives us clues as to what kind of little girl she will be. Now it is Zachary's turn. His genes are set. He is who he will be. Today he is a needy infant, totally dependent on the adults in his life. Over time we will get to know who he is.

I'll be on the sidelines watching.


  1. So precious Connie. Congratulations to all of you.

    1. Thanks, Shirley. I love this part of life!

  2. I have often wondered just how much of who we are is innate - and how much is influenced by parents, and the environment. I wonder what the percentage is? half and half? Or does it lean more one way or the other?

    At one time I felt that our personalities were almost totally shaped by the external. I'd believed that babies were purely sponges, and whose personalities would only be developed by the influences of the external world. This thought scared me as a mom. I only had one child, so I didn't have a comparison, but suspect if I'd had a second, I would have seen the differences which could be explained in no other way but innate differences among babies -- separate from upbringing and societal influences.

    I'm so glad that Zachary is doing well -- and that all are loving and enjoying him -- especially Nicholas!

    1. Look at my sisters, or look at your own family. How different each one turned out to be, but raised in the same environment! Some babies are born with a forceful determination, while others are laid back. That's why it's so much fun watching them grow....and why no one has come up with a one size fits all way to parent them! LOL.
