Thursday, November 18, 2010

Tis the Season.... be thankful. Thanksgiving is the time of year we set aside to specifically be thankful for our blessings. Some families take the time before that big family dinner for each person to say what they are thankful for. In actuality, I find that rather difficult.

Make no mistake. I am a grateful person. I am thankful for almost everything in my life. One thing I am very thankful for is that I have the type of personality that is contented. I don't fret over trivial things. I don't worry (very often) about things I have no control over. I don't project my fears of the future into my daily life. I recognize that my life is good. I don't live close to my kids or grandkids, but I have a wonderful relationship with them and the freedom to visit them when I want to. It doesn't get better than that!

But when I am asked what am I thankful for, I stumble over the question. Do I list the obvious? Health, family, love, financial security. (OK, that last one really IS something in this day and age to be VERY grateful for.) Or do I list the trivial?

I think it is important to recognize both. When we focus on things like family and good health, we consciously give thanks for the most important things in our lives. It takes our minds off the mundane, everyday concerns and allow us to recognize what really matters.

But when we are grateful for everyday happenings, it gives us a chance to recognize how lucky we really are, right now, for.... whatever it is we are grateful for. A month or so ago, I wrote a post called, "An AHA Moment" when I suddenly realized how very lucky I had been to see the Beatles and Paul McCartney in concert many times, when many people had never seen them at all. That was a great moment for me and allowed me to see the treasure of my everyday life.

I will try in the next week or two to make several postings recognizing specific things in my life I am thankful for. Some will be the important ones. But I want to really notice the small things I take for granted that make my days special. The trivial things I am thankful for. Check back, and feel free to share some of the things you are thankful for...big or small!

In the words of Andrea Bocelli, who's Christmas CD just finished on my CD player, (as well as Tiny Tim) God Bless Us Everyone!

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