July lived up to its reputation as being the middle of summer; hot and dry. We celebrated the 4th with a picnic at a neighbor's. As the sun set we roasted marshmallows, and downed sticky s'mores to the snap, crackle, and pop of fireworks set off by others around our neighborhood.

My favorite part of the month, though, began on July 14 when I drove to Connecticut. My sister Jean and her husband celebrated their 50th anniversary! Wow! What an event! It has been their tradition over the last 51 years to celebrate by going to Chauncey Creek Lobster Pound in Kittery Point, Maine and eating fresh lobster on the docks. Many years ago we had the opportunity to join this ritual when our first born was only 4 months old and the whole family drove from Connecticut to Maine for 'dinner'. It was different and fun and I throughly enjoyed it. Jenny spent most of the visit sitting in her carseat at different tables as volunteer strangers offered to entertain her while my elbows dripped melted butter.
For their 50th Anniversary, Jean and Lee's kids planned a party at Chauncey Creek. Larry flew into Boston on Friday and I picked him up. Later we picked up my sister, Mary and Saturday we drove to Kittery. The party was fun, the lobster delicious and catching up with my nieces and nephews was great. As wonderful as the party was the best part was yet to come.

Sunday I dropped Larry at the airport and Mary and I drove back to Connecticut and spent 4 days on Jean's boat. Lee was gracious enough to go stay with their son for 4 days so we could have our annual Sister's Reunion. We began this tradition after our parents were gone as a way to keep in touch. Mary was in Canada, I was in Florida, Jean was in Connecticut and Sue was in Virginia. Sister's Reunion had 1 basic requirement: no kids, no husbands. (In other words... no distractions, no obligations)! It has become a favorite event. It is now just Mary, Jean and I, and since Jean moved onto the boat, it has become a bit more difficult to find a way to get together, so this year was especially great. Here are just a couple of photos of our trip.
Miss Ruby |
The Salon, or main living area inside |
The cove on the Connecticut River where Miss Ruby was moored. |
Swimming! Early morning, middle of day, at night. Anytime. |
A beautiful sailboat moored near us. |
Breakfast. Mmmm |
Theater where we saw Showboat. Fantastic production! |
Osprey nest on the river with both parents on watch! |
August is here with more trips, and more project. Stay tuned. I'll try to keep you posted!
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