Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Conversations With an Almost 4 Year Old

One day Warren and I took a walk to the south lot. The south lot is about a ¼ mile down the gravel road and is separated from his house by a corn field. It was a very hot day, but the wind had died down to a mild 15 mph after 3 days of steady winds in the high 30’s.
We started out.
“It’s a gravel road, Granberry…”
“Why is it gravel, Granberry?”
“That’s how it was made.”
“Oh. Look at the rocks!"
“That’s why it’s called gravel. Because a gravel road is made of rocks and dirt.”

We walk on. Maggie stops to sniff.

“What’s she doing?”
“What does it look like?”
"Another animal walked there and she’s trying to sniff to see what kind it was.”
“What kind was it?"
"I don’t know."
"Because my nose doesn’t tell me."

And so it goes…..
We walk further.

“There’s a hole, Granberry!” He pulls to a stop.
“Yes there is. You have to watch for holes so you don’t walk in one and get hurt.”
“Why? “
“Because you wouldn’t want to be hurt.”
“Oh….where did the hole come from?”
“I don’t know. A small animal made it.”

We walk on. Warren pulls to a stop.

“Look, ANOTHER hole!!”
“Who made that one?”
“I don’t know.”

A sudden yank as Warren pulls me backward and says in delight and awe…

“Granberry! Look! DIRT!” he says pointing to a small pile of dark dirt on the road.

Did I mention we are walking on a gravel (dirt) road?

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