Wednesday, January 11, 2012

A New Year

Welcome to the New Year! I know we are into the second week of it already and I may seem a little late, but my husband will happily assure you I am always late. I guess for me, that means I am right on time. So again, Happy New Year!

I have done little in the way of making resolutions, (I can hear you breathing a sigh of relief) but reflecting back I did learn a few things about myself last year. One is that when I am busy I don't blog. When I feel like I have a to catch up on other obligations, I don't blog. And that even when I'm not blogging I am thinking about it.

As an idea crops up it rolls around in my head fermenting. Each day something might happen to it to add or change the thought and by the time I get around to putting it on the screen, it has been kneaded and punched down and what may once have been a loaf of bread is now pizza dough or vice versa. What this means, is quite simply, I may not have been writing, but stay tuned. The company has gone home. The guest rooms are cleaned. The laundry is caught up. And all the toys I borrowed to keep my grandkids busy have been returned. I am no longer secretary of the Corvette Club, and the club records have been transferred to the next lucky person.

I am ready to see what 2012 brings and to share my view of it with you. Happy New Year...a little late.

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year to you too!

    I don't make resolutions because I'm bound to either break them, or just not even bother trying to keep them! LOL

    Looking forward to more blogging from you. :)
