Friday, November 18, 2011

#2 Crunch, Crunch, Skuffle

It's been awhile since I've posted. As usual life has gotten away from me, but I'm ready to catch back up to it!

Today feels more like winter, but the good news is that fall isn't over yet. The air was more cold than crisp as Maggie and I took our walk but it got me to thinking of other walks on fall days.

As a child I remember skuffling through the leaves on my way to school in the Fall or jumping into freshly raked piles. When we moved to Florida there was a part of me that missed that. Florida trees don't lose as many leaves in the fall. There were a few times when walking in the woods brought back that memory but it is more dramatic here. I think it is because so many leaves have come down at once. The bigger the leaf the better the shuffle!

When my father was in the hospital one year, my sisters and I gathered at the hospital. It was early November and we went out for a walk. The sidewalk was buried under layers of dry and bright yellow poplar and maple leaves. The sound of the crunch, and the smell from the sun warming the leaves was old and familiar and comforting.

Our pear tree is holding on to its last few leaves, but the yard is polka-dotted with the rest. The leaf fall is almost over. The shuffle, skuffle, crunch will last for a short time, but that too will pass. I'll enjoy it while I have it!

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