The Saga of Rocky continues...but here it gets a wee bit creepy!
Waking up early in the morning, I heard a familiar scrabbling noise. I had heard it before, but never thought much about it. Squirrels running on the tin roof were a common noise. Sometimes I would hear branches dropping down. Now, as I listened, I knew what it was. We had company.
I checked the kitchen island but nothing seemed amiss. As I was dusting the hutch, I noticed slivers of aluminum foil. Moving a silk plant I found the evidence.
Squirrels like chocolate! Who knew! (Our exterminator told us later that rodents love chocolate.) Our night visitor had stolen a Hershey Kiss from the candy jar, gently peeled it and taken it off to nibble. Thanksgiving couldn't come soon enough!
Saturday after Thanksgiving we were enjoying a peaceful night at home after traveling 1200 miles round trip for a turkey dinner (and of course a chance to be with family and friends!). As I cleaned up dinner, Larry suddenly appeared from the basement, where his office is, with one of those looks on his face and holding his hands far apart. If you've ever seen a spider, roach or god forbid, a snake in your house, you know the look. If you've ever seen a fisherman show the size of the 'one that got away', you know how far apart his hands were.
"You gotta come down here! Something just ran by me and it's THIS (insert hands far apart) BIG!!!"
Frankly, I'm wondering why I have to go down there, but I think this is where that concept of Supportive Wife comes in, so down the stairs I go, into the deep dark, basement. Well, really not that dark. We did have the lights on. And when I got there, we had EVERY light on.
"It ran under there" he says pointing to the couch. So we crouched on the floor with a flashlight and sure enough, the shadow under the couch was definitely bigger than a mouse. After consulting we decided to:
Flip the Couch
Trap the critter under a clear plastic bin we had handy
And then, somehow, wriggle the lid under the bin and TRAP THE SUCKER in the box!
Sounds good, until you attempt to execute it.
Larry was going to flip the sofa and I was going to TRAP THE SUCKER!
Before we made our move my ever supportive husband looked at me and said, with full confidence:
"Oh yeah, you're gonna let him get away."
And I did. He flipped the sofa. Rocky and I took a split second to eyeball each other. I threw the tub over him....well, in his direction, and we both ran in opposite directions. Rocky headed into the bedroom.
And now it was apparent why Rocky looked so big! Our pest control company had placed sticky pads around the house to help trap mice. Rocky had inadvertently touched the sticky pad with his tail and it was going everywhere with him, making him look twice his size. That's a good strategy if you are trying to scare off a bear, but not real good if you are a squirrel trying to hide.
We were able to corner Rocky and this time Larry took the tub, while I poked under the bed and moved Rocky in Larry's general direction. Larry, being a GUY and much more stalwart than ME, held his ground as the squirrel came his way and dropped the tub over him.
Now came the tricky part. And as things go, the creepy part. But if you have a sense of humor, it is also the hilarious part.
It is the part where we try to slide the lid under the tub to trap the squirrel.
As we slid the lid in the back, somehow, the squirrel managed to wedge himself under the front of the bin. Then he grabbed hold of Larry's pant leg. And held on. And dragged the sticky pad over Larry's shoe. I wish I had a video. I can't begin to explain the following sequence of events, but here's the gist of it.
The squirrel was stuck to the pad. The pad was stuck to Larry's shoe. Neither of them could get away from each other. THEY WERE STUCK!
Somehow Larry got the squirrel off his shoe, and into the bin, and got the Lid on.
Sorry, Rocky. As long as you stay in your world we are fine. My house takes up but a tiny bit of your forest and there are plenty of oak trees and squirrel nests, and bird seed out there. But once you ruin my blinds, it's war. We won this battle.
The exterminators have plugged the holes and set the traps. It was a warm day when they were here, and hopefully all the critters had gone back outside. So far, none have been trapped inside. And the token tomato and apple I keep on my counter as a checkpoint have been untouched.
So maybe we won the war! I will update you if we see more critters. For now, I'm hoping Rocky decides to reunite with Bullwinkle and move to Minnesota.
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