Sunday, February 8, 2015


I have been exceptionally quiet on my blog lately. Part of the reason is because I don't view my blog as a journal of daily events. I try to write when something new is happening, or when something has provoked a Point of View. When I am quiet, it is probably a sign that either I am very contented, or perhaps bored. Most likely, nothing of great interest is going on. But sometimes it is actually because I'm very busy. In this case, that's closer to the truth. Lately, I've been having a lot of fun, but it has also had the effect of cutting into my blogging time.

Our church has a wonderful program for Seniors called OASIS. OASIS stands for Outstanding Adults Sharing In Service. For 8 weeks in the fall, winter and spring they provide a multitude of classes available for anyone over 50 for just $25.00. It has been going on for at least 17 years, maybe more.

Oasis is different from the traditional "over 55 social group" churches offer. It is open to anyone over 50 regardless of what town they live in or what church they might attend. There are classes in everything from chair caning, to writing, calligraphy to a music jam for musicians with an instrument, all led by instructors who volunteer their time. It changes from session to session.

Last session I took Yoga, but this time I stepped it up. I participate in two line dancing groups in the morning and then sit for two hours in the afternoon sharing stories with a writing group. That has interfered with my blogging. What I write about there doesn't really fit what I blog about, but it takes my writing focus. However, I really enjoy it, so perhaps, you lose, while I win.

OASIS isn't for all communities, but it is a great model for those people looking for a way to reach out to their senior citizens. My community has a high artisan population. We are rich with people who will share their skills with people like me who have little or only average talent. However, just imagine the ways you could reach your own community, with photography, computer, language, or business skills on both a beginner and advanced levels. It is affordable and provides a multitude of ways to keep 'retired, old brains' active.

Meanwhile, this old brain is learning new dance steps and sharpening her pencil.  And I'm having a ball with it!

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