Monday, August 19, 2013

An Apple Tree Update

A few years ago I posted a story about an apple tree that almost wasn't. It was a tough little tree, determined to grow in spite of our worst efforts and the deer seeking it out. Finally rescued, it has grown each year.

You can read the original story posted on April 27, 2011.

Last year I posted an update in which the little tree presented it's first apple.

Unfortunately for the tree, it is still in a pot on our deck. The deer can't get it, but a pot greatly limits its growth. On top of that, we store it in the garage all winter. If we left it on the porch the roots would freeze without the protection of Mother Earth. If we brought it in the house the temperature would be too warm to give it an adequate dormant period. So the garage it is.

The garage offers some limitations. The biggest problem is height. The section of our garage where the tree is kept has a low ceiling and it periodically needs to be cut back so the branches aren't damaged when we bring it in for the winter. Fortunately, apple trees are not tall trees to begin with and they probably benefit from pruning. Larry and I have a running discussion as to who has more knowledge about the proper care and pruning of plants. (Truth is--neither of us have much of a clue, but we are both convinced we know better!)

Last winter Larry got ready to trim the tree.

Me: You'd better talk to someone. You don't know anything about apple trees.
Him: I'm fine. It will be fine.
Me: You do a very good job trimming most trees, but you don't know anything about apple trees. (I'm not a very creative arguer--is there such a word? Just stick to the point and ram it home. That's my fightin' style.)

Resorting to the Internet we found a couple of good pages on how to prune an apple tree and Larry read them over. Then he proceeded to prune.

Another difference between us is that when I start to trim a bush, I'll take off 6 inches. He'll go for a foot or two. There was little left when he finished. (At least that's how I saw it.)

This spring when we brought it out into the sun, I wondered if any leaves would grow on the stubby limbs. No fear. This is a hardy tree! (Remember it's grim beginning?) Branches sprouted, leaves grew and then there were blossoms. Lots of blossoms!! I think Larry secretly hoped for a full crop.

The blossoms turned to apples. Most of the tiny apples dried up and disappeared, but a couple persevered. And here it is. August. Apple Pickin' Time.

Yep. We had TWO lovely apples to pick! That's a 100% increase over last years crop!

I have to admit, I think these are two gorgeous apples!

Best of all, they were two yummy apples!

Next year there will be a big change for the little tree. We plan to plant it. I have a spot all picked out. It's not in Pennsylvania, but that's a whole other post.

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