Monday, June 17, 2013

So Many Posts, So Little Time

The great quote about retirement is "I'm so busy now, I don't know how I had time to work!" When I first retired, that statement was not for me! I was burned out. I was ready for a break from responsibility and obligation. I spent the first year avoiding commitment. I remember one day I felt it was time to get involved somewhere. I decided to go to the local elementary school to volunteer. This was my world. I would fit in easily. I would find a niche, and a purpose. As I approached the intersection leading to the school, I reached for the turn signal. Instead, my foot hit the gas and I went through the intersection! My body said...."NO! Not yet." (It's not the first time my mind said one thing and my feet said something else. Apparently they connect to the brain on conflicting signal paths and with body wins!)

I've been retired for 6 years now, and all that has changed. I became more involved but I carefully selected activities that fit my personality and would be rewarding. I tried not to get too busy.
That saying still didn't seem to pertain to me....until now. If you've noticed, my blogging has slowed up a good bit. I find it harder and harder to get to my laptop.

There are a couple of truths here. In the winter I am 1) home bound, 2) alone, as Larry is traveling 3) stuck in a house with only the threat of using the snowblower to offer outdoor adventure. I have little to write about. There is so little happening.

But summer is just the opposite! We travel a lot in spring, so there I am with much to share and little time to share it. After the spring travels, comes the yard work catch up. During the long days I'm outside, and reluctant to head up to my indoor room where the computer awaits. I love summer, but it means long hours of neglect for my computer.

The annuals have been planted and the mulching is almost over. The church flea market (a one week event that consumes a lot of time) is done. Family will be here for a couple of weeks. When all is said and done, I will probably have lots of potential blog posts.

Until then, be patient and check back. I will share stories, observations, and thoughts, even if they are weeks removed from the catalyst that started them.

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