Monday, April 25, 2011

A Hodge-Podge of Thoughts

April is almost over and I still find I can't quite get my thoughts together. Maybe it is because in 25 days we have had 18 days of rain. Today the weatherman's comment was right on target. The day had begun with heavy skies, but around noon the sky cleared somewhat and the sun peaked out. "Enjoy this moment," he said as he pointed to the camera shot of the city and the water shimmering in the sunlight. I was enjoying it. And an hour later the rain was pouring down again.

Enjoy the Moment. I know it is spring because the House Finch told me so. Every morning she warbles outside my window at 6:15. She is better than a Rooster because her alarm which is just as punctual as a rooster's is much prettier to listen to. I am not an early riser, but I don't mind her wake-up call. It is so cheerful and it IS a true pronouncement that spring is here.

Laugh at the wildlife. Our neighbor across the street has a deer feeder. Not everyone in the neighborhood is happy about that fact but I like it. I don't believe it brings the deer. They were here before we were. They are all over. His corn doesn't keep them from eating my tulips, but they would eat my tulips anyway, even if they weren't on the way to his feeder. Usually I can't see them. The deer usually stop there at night when it is dark. The other day I noticed the feeder was lying on it's side.

They were sending a message to Chuck. "Fill it up!" Chuck has a camera set up to tape them at night and he has video of them knocking the feeder over and rolling it down the hill to his house 'just in case he didn't know it was empty'! Our deer are not starving, (thanks to Chuck) but they are savvy.

Look on the bright side. I've been able to mow once a week but it really needs to be done every 4-5 days. That's what rain does! The problem is finding a way to get it done. When the sun came out this morning I hoped I'd have a chance, but I was out and needed to eat lunch before I started. By the time I got home and ate lunch it was raining again. I am once again waiting for it to dry out enough that I can mow. Hopefully, tomorrow? Meanwhile the sparrows disappear into the green blades when they search my lawn for seeds. At least I can still see the Mourning Doves. I know a lot of people aren't crazy about mowing twice a week, but to me, it is way more fun than shoveling snow every day.

Inspite of the rain I do think the weatherman was right, this time. Enjoy this moment is the best advice for anyone in any situation. So I am...
Enjoying the moment.

1 comment:

  1. I totally relate to needing to "seize the moment" when it rains so much. Our January here was kind of like that. When you have one sunny day after the other, you can plan your days. But -- when there are only moments of sun - you just ... GO ... and ... DO IT ... at that moment. Tomorrow it just might be ... raining again!

    Oh - and mowing the lawn gives off the wonderful odor of newly cut grass. I always love that. Shoveling snow - and snow blowing has no perk like that!
